פרופ"ח אהרון (ארי) גרו

סגן דיקן להוראה

לאהרון (ארי) גרו BA בפיסיקה (בהצטיינות ראויה לשבח), BSc בהנדסת חשמל (בהצטיינות), MSc בהנדסת חשמל ו-PhD בפיסיקה תאורטית – כולם מהטכניון. בנוסף, לארי MBA (בהצטיינות) מאוניברסיטת חיפה.

ארי הינו פרופסור חבר בפקולטה לחינוך למדע וטכנולוגיה וראש קבוצת הנדסת חשמל. מחקריו מתמקדים בחינוך הנדסי (הנדסת חשמל) וחינוך בין תחומי המשלב פיסיקה והנדסת חשמל, הן ברמת התיכון והן ברמת האקדמיה. תחומי התעניינותו של ארי כוללים גם אופטיקה קוונטית ופיסיקה אטומית.

ארי שירת כמדריך בביה"ס לטיסה של חיל האוויר וכקצין פיתוח הדרכה של בית הספר. ארי נבחר פעמיים כמדריך מצטיין של ביה"ס לטיסה ו-16 פעמים כמרצה מצטיין טכניוני. בשנת 2006 הוענק לו אות הצטיינות מטעם מפקד חיל האוויר, בשנת 2016 זכה בפרס ינאי למצוינות בחינוך אקדמי, ובשנת 2022 נבחר כמרצה מצטיין טכניוני מתמיד. ארי הוא חבר בכיר ב-IEEE ועורך משנה של כתב העת IEEE Transactions on Education. ארי הוא רץ למרחקים ארוכים (5 ו-10 ק"מ) וטריאתלט (38 זכיות פודיום).

  • דוקטור לפילוסופיה (PhD) בפיסיקה, הטכניון. נושא המחקר: אפקטים קואופרטיביים בפיזורים רבים של פוטונים על-ידי גז אטומי (בהנחיית א. אקרמן)
  • מגיסטר למדעים (MSc) בהנדסת חשמל, הטכניון. נושא המחקר: תכונות אלקטרוניות, אופטיות וחשמליות של גלאים לקרינת אינפרה-אדום המבוססים על בורות קוונטים של מוליכים למחצה (בהנחיית א. פינקמן וג. בהיר)
  • מוסמך אוניברסיטה במינהל עסקים (MBA), בהצטיינות, אוניברסיטת חיפה
  • מוסמך למדעים (BSc) בהנדסת חשמל, בהצטיינות, הטכניון
  • בוגר למדעים (BA) בפיסיקה, בהצטיינות ראויה לשבח, הטכניון


Engineering Education & Interdisciplinary Education

Gero, A. (2012). Improving intrinsic motivation among sophomore electrical engineering students by an introductory project. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 2(4), 13-17.

Gero, A. (2013). Interdisciplinary program on aviation weapon systems as a means of improving high school students’ attitudes toward physics and engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education 29(4), 1047-1054.

Gero, A., Zoabi, W., & Sabag, N. (2014). Animation-based learning of electronic devices. Advances in Engineering Education 4(1), 1-21.

Gero, A. (2014). Enhancing systems thinking skills of sophomore students: An introductory project in electrical engineering. International Journal of Engineering Education 30(3), 738-745.

Gero, A. (2014). Engineering students as science teachers: A case study on students’ motivation. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 4(3), 55-59.

Gero, A. & Zach, E. (2014). High school program in electro-optics: A case study on interdisciplinary learning and systems thinking. International Journal of Engineering Education 30(5), 1190-1199.

Gero, A. & Zoabi, W. (2014). Computer animation and academic achievements: Longitudinal study in electronics education. International Journal of Engineering Education 30(5), 1295-1302.

Gero, A. & Zoabi, W. (2015). Animation-based teaching of semiconductor devices: Long-term improvement in students’ achievements in a two-year college. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 5(1), 42-46.

Gero, A. & Danino, O. (2016). High-school course on engineering design: Enhancement of students’ motivation and development of systems thinking skills. International Journal of Engineering Education 32(1A), 100-110.

Gero, A. (2016). Development of interdisciplinary lessons integrating science and engineering in heterogeneous teams: Education students’ attitudes. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy 6(2), 59-64.

Gero, A. & Abraham, G. (2016). Motivational factors for studying science and engineering in beginning students: The case of academic preparatory programs. Global Journal of Engineering Education 18(2), 72-76.

Gero, A. (2016). Engineering students’ attitudes toward teaching in secondary schools as part of the Educational Clinic program. Global Journal of Engineering Education 18(2), 106-110.

Gero, A. & Hazzan, O. (2016). Training scientists and engineers as science and engineering teachers: The motivational factors of enrollees in the Views program. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 14(3), 374-379.

Gero, A., Stav, Y., & Yamin, N. (2016). Increasing motivation of engineering students: Combining “real-world” examples in a basic electric circuits course. International Journal of Engineering Education 32(6), 2460-2469.

Gero, A. & Mano-Israeli, S. (2017). Analysis of the factors motivating students at a two-year technological college to study electronics. International Journal of Engineering Education 33(2A), 588-595.

Gero, A. (2017). Students’ attitudes toward interdisciplinary education: A course on interdisciplinary aspects of science and engineering education. European Journal of Engineering Education 42(3), 260-270.

Gero, A., Stav, Y., & Yamin, N. (2017). Use of  “real-world” examples in engineering education: The case of the course “Electric Circuit Theory”. World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education 15(2), 120-125.

Mano-Israeli, S. & Gero, A. (2017). What drives teachers to teach electronics at a two-year technical college? A self-determination theory perspective. International Journal of Engineering Education 33(6A), 1892-1899.

Gero, A. & Abraham, G. (2018). Students’ motivation and academic achievement: The case of an engineering preparatory program. International Journal of Engineering Education 34(3), 1013-1024.

Catz, B., Sabag, N., & Gero, A. (2018). Problem based learning and students’ motivation: The case of an electronics laboratory course. International Journal of Engineering Education 34(6), 1838-1847.

Gero, A., Tsybulsky D., & Levin, I. (2019). Research and design triads in the digital epoch: Implications for science and technology education. Global Journal of Engineering Education 21(1), 80-83.

Gero, A. & Levin, I. (2019). Computational thinking and constructionism: Creating difference equations in spreadsheets. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 50(5), 779-787.

Gero, A., Stav, Y., Wertheim, I., & Epstein, A. (2019). Two-tier multiple-choice questions as a means of increasing discrimination: Case study of a basic electric circuits course. Global Journal of Engineering Education 21(2), 139-144.

Gero, A. & Mano-Israeli, S. (2020). Importance of technical and soft skills: Electronics students’ and teachers’ perspectives. Global Journal of Engineering Education 22(1), 13-19.

Gero, A. & Friesel, A. (2020). Academic motivation in beginning students of electrical engineering: A case study of Danish and Israeli universities. Global Journal of Engineering Education 22(3), 204-209.

Gero, A., Shekh-Abed, A., & Hazzan, O. (2021). Interrelations between systems thinking and abstract thinking: The case of high-school electronics students. European Journal of Engineering Education 46(5), 735-749.

Gero, A. & Shlomo, I. (2021). Promoting systems thinking in two-year technology students: An interdisciplinary course on medical ultrasound systems. International Journal of Engineering Education 37(2), 564-572.

Gero, A. & Stav, Y. (2021). Summative assessment based on two-tier multiple-choice questions: Item discrimination and engineering students’ and teachers’ attitudes. International Journal of Engineering Education 37(3), 830-840.

Shekh-Abed, A., Hazzan, O., & Gero, A. (2021). Promoting systems thinking and abstract thinking in high-school electronics students: Integration of dedicated tasks into project-based learning. International Journal of Engineering Education 37(4), 1080-1089.

Gero, A., Essami, H., Danino, O., & Kornblum, L. (2022). Students’ attitudes toward interdisciplinary learning: A high-school course on solar cells. International Journal of Engineering Education 38(4), 1130-1140.

Hadish, M. A., Kvatinsky, S., & Gero, A. (2023). Learning and instruction that combine multiple levels of abstraction in engineering: Attitudes of students and faculty. International Journal of Engineering Education 39(1), 154-162.

Catz, B., Kolodny, A., & Gero, A. (2023). Promoting engineering students’ learning: An interdisciplinary teaching approach of electronic circuits. International Journal of Engineering Education 39(1), 208-218.

Catz, B. & Gero, A. (2023). Interdisciplinary learning of electronic circuits: Faculty members' perspective. Global Journal of Engineering Education 25(1), 35-39.

Gero, A., Wilczynski, V., Krumholtz, N., & Danino, O. (2023). Project-based learning in international teams composed of excelling high-school and first-year engineering students: High-school students' perspective. Global Journal of Engineering Education 25(2), 83-89.

Gero, A. (2023). Systems thinking of secondary and post-secondary students majoring in engineering. Global Journal of Engineering Education 25(3), 195-199.

Gero, A. (2024). A course on contemporary issues in engineering education: Students’ attitudes. Global Journal of Engineering Education 26(3), 182-186

Quantum Optics & Atomic Physics

Gero, A. & Akkermans, E. (2006). Effect of superradiance on transport of diffusing photons in cold atomic gases. Physical Review Letters 96, 093601.

Gero, A. & Akkermans, E. (2007). Superradiance and multiple scattering of photons in atomic gases. Physical Review A 75, 053413.

Akkermans, E., Gero, A., & Kaiser, R. (2008). Photon localization and Dicke superradiance in atomic gases. Physical Review Letters 101, 103602.

Akkermans, E. & Gero, A. (2013). Cooperative effects in one-dimensional atomic gases: Absence of single atom limit. Europhysics Letters 101, 54003.

Gero, A. & Akkermans, E. (2013). Cooperative effects and photon localization in atomic gases: The two-dimensional case. Physical Review A 88, 023839.

Bellando, L., Gero, A., Akkermans, E., & Kaiser, R. (2014). Cooperative effects and disorder: A scaling analysis of the spectrum of the effective atomic Hamiltonian. Physical Review A 90, 063822.

Bellando, L., Gero, A., Akkermans, E., & Kaiser, R. (2021). Roles of cooperative effects and disorder in photon localization: The case of a vector radiation field. European Physical Journal B 94, 49.

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