פרופ' יהודית דורי

פרופסור אמריטה

קישור לאתר האישי

פרופ. יהודית דורי הינה חוקרת בממשק שבין הוראה מרחוק, טכנולוגיות וויזואליזציה, כימיה והערכה של מיומנויות חשיבה. בשנים 2000-2005 הובילה פרופ. דורי את מחקר ההערכה של פרויקט TEAL – Technology Enabled Active Learning ב-MIT. היא חקרה את השפעת השילוב בין למידה פעילה בסביבה עתירת טכנולוגיות וויזואליזציה על רמת ההבנה של סטודנטים לתואר ראשון הלומדים קורס בסיסי באלקטרומגנטיות. בשנים 2008-2009 חקרה שתי תוכניות לימודים רחבות היקף ב-MIT, האחת בהנדסה גנטית – IGEM והשנייה בתכנון ופיתוח מוצר MIT-Portugal.


פרופ. דורי ערכה שתי חוברות בכתב העת Journal of Science Education and Technology הכוללות מאמרים הדנים ברפורמות החינוכיות החדשניות בשילוב טכנולוגיות בהשכלה הגבוהה ב-MIT. לפרסומים אלו תרומה משמעותית לשינוי פני ההוראה האוניברסיטאית בעידן מהפיכת המידע.


פרופ. דורי היא גם חלוצה בשילוב הדמיה מולקולרית Computerized Molecular Modeling ומעבדה ממחושבתComputerized Chemistry Laboratory . היא חקרה את שילוב ההדמיה בקורסי כימיה בתואר ראשון ובבתי ספר תיכוניים ואת שילוב המעבדות הממוחשבות בקרב תלמידי תיכון מתמחים בכימיה בישראל. מחקריה העלו כי השילוב שיפר משמעותית את הבנת הכימיה בארבע רמות הבנה – מאקרוסקופית, מיקרוסקופית, סמל ותהליך – ואת תפיסת המושג מודל.


הצלחת מחקרים אלו הובילה לכך שהמרכז להוראת המדעים במשרד החינוך מימן למימון עבור פרופ. דורי וקבוצתה עבור שורה של פיתוחים מלווים במחקר שהובילו שינוי מערכתי בתכנית הלימודים של כימיה למתמחים במדינת ישראל. התוכניות החדשניות כללו מבניות כגון "מעבדות חקר ממוחשבות והדמיה מולקולרית בכימיה", "מרמת הננו למיקרואלקטרוניקה", "ביוכימיה", "טעם של כימיה" ו"ניתוח מאמרים מדעיים מעובדים וחקר אירועים". בשנים 2003-2008 מונתה פרופ. דורי על ידי שרת החינוך לתפקיד יו"ר ועדת המקצוע בכימיה, ועדה הקובעת את תוכניות הלימודים בכימיה בתיכון בישראל. בשנים 2005-2006 הייתה פרופ. דורי חברה בוועדה בינלאומית לקביעת מדיניות הערכה של הארגון האירופאי למחקר בלמידה והוראה EARLI והייתה שותפה לכתיבת מאמר עמדה של ארגון זה המתווה מדיניות של הערכה לצורך למידה (assessment for learning) ולהערכה של הלמידה (assessment of learning). ב-2010 התמנתה פרופ. דורי כדיקנית היחידה ללימודי המשך ולימודי חוץ בטכניון וייסדה את המרכז הבינלאומי ללמידה מרחוק בטכניון – TIDES.

כתבות בעיתונות



  1. Ph.D. The Development, Implementation and Evaluation of a Chemistry Curriculum for Nursing Schools in Israel, Weizmann Institute of Science, 1988. Academic advisors: Professor D. Samuel and Professor A. Hofstein.
  2. M.Sc. The Immunological Mechanism of Unresponsiveness to Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis in Mice; Replacement of Suppressor Cells by a Soluble Factor. Weizmann Institute of Science, 1981. Academic advisors: Professor R. Arnon and Dr. D. Teitelbaum. 

Papers in Refereed Journals

  1. Z. Lando, Y. Dori, D. Teitelbaum, and R. Arnon (1981). Unresponsiveness to experimental allergic Encephalomyelitis in mice: Replacement of suppressor cells by a soluble factor. The Journal of Immunology, 5, 1915-1919.

  2. Z. Lando, Y. Dori, D. Teitelbaum, and R. Arnon (1982). Suppressor factor specific to Myelin basic Encephalitogen. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 53, 113-123.

  1. Y.J. Dori and J.M. Yochim (1990). Learning patterns of college students using an intelligent computer assisted instruction module. Journal of College Science Teaching, 20(2), 99-103.

  1. Y.J. Dori, D. Dori, and J.M. Yochim (1992). Characteristics of an intelligent computer assisted instruction shell with an example in human physiology. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 11(3/4), 289-302.

  1. Y.J. Dori and N. Barnea (1993). A computer aided instruction module on polymers. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 33(3), 325-331.

  1. Y.J. Dori (1994). Achievement and attitude evaluation of a case-based chemistry curriculum for nursing students. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 20(3), 337-348.

  1. Y.J. Dori and J.M. Yochim (1994). Human physiology: Improving students’ achievements through intelligent studyware. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 3(4), 263-269.

  1. Y.J. Dori, D. Dori, and J.M. Yochim (1995). Intelligent computer assisted instruction for a human physiology course: Principles and assessment. Journal of College Science Teaching, 24(3), 189-194.

  1. Y.J. Dori (1995). Cooperative development of organic chemistry computer assisted instruction by experts, teachers and students. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 4(2), 163-170.¬

  1. U. Zoller, A. Lubezky, M. Nakhleh, B. Tessier, and Y.J. Dori (1995). Success on algorithmic and LOCS vs. conceptual chemistry exam questions. Journal of Chemical Education, 72(11), 987-989.

  1. Y.J. Dori and M. Hameiri (1996). “The Mole Environment” – development and implementation of a studyware. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 36(4), 625-628.

  1. N. Barnea and Y.J. Dori (1996). Computerized molecular modeling as a tool to improve chemistry teaching. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, 36(4), 629-636.

  1. D. Dori and Y.J. Dori (1996). Object-process analysis of a hypertext organic chemistry studyware. Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 15(1/2), 65-84.

  1. I. Geva-May and Y.J. Dori (1996). Analysis of an induction model. British Journal of In-service Education, 22(3), 333-354.

  1. Y.J. Dori and N. Barnea (1997). In-service chemistry teachers training: the impact of introducing computer technology on teachers' attitudes and classroom implementation. International Journal of Science Education, 19(5), 577-592.

  1. Y.J. Dori and M. Hameiri (1998). The “Mole Environment” studyware: Applying multidimensional analysis to quantitative chemistry problems. International Journal of Science Education, 20(3), 317-333.

  1. Y.J. Dori, M. Alon, and D. Dori (1998). Coordinating multimedia within groupware applications. International Journal of Computers and Applications, 20(2), 83-91.

  1. Y.J. Dori and O. Herscovitz (1999). Question posing capability as an alternative evaluation method: Analysis of an environmental case study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(4), 411-430.

  1. N. Barnea and Y.J. Dori (1999). High-school chemistry students’ performance and gender differences in a computerized molecular modeling learning environment. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(4), 257-271.

  1. Y.J. Dori and R.T. Tal (2000). Formal and informal collaborative projects: Engaging in industry with environmental awareness. Science Education, 84(1), 95-113.

  1. N. Barnea and Y.J. Dori (2000). Computerized molecular modeling the new technology for enhancing model perception among chemistry educators and learners. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 1(1), 109-120. http://www.uoi.gr/conf_sem/cerapie/2000_January/pdf/16barneaf.pdf

  1. R.T. Tal, Y.J. Dori, and R. Lazarowitz (2000). A project-based alternative assessment system. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 26(2), 171-191.

  1. Y.J. Dori and M. Barak (2001). Virtual and physical molecular modeling: Fostering model perception and spatial understanding. Educational Technology & Society, 4(1), 61-

  2. http://ifets.ieee.org/periodical/vol_1_2001/dori.pdf

  1. R.T. Tal, Y.J. Dori, S. Keiny, and U. Zoller (2001). Assessing conceptual change of teachers involved in STES education and curriculum development – The STEMS project approach. International Journal of Science Education, 23(3), 247-261.

  1. U. Zoller, Y.J. Dori, and A. Lubezky (2002). Algorithmic and LOCS vs. HOCS chemistry exam questions: Performance and attitudes of college students. International Journal of Science Education, 24(2), 185-203.

  1. Y.J. Dori, R.T. Tal, and Y. Peled (2002). Characteristics of science teachers who incorporate Web-based teaching. Research in Science Education, 32(4), 511-547.

  1. Y.J. Dori (2003). From nationwide standardized testing to school-based alternative embedded assessment in Israel: Students’ performance in the “Matriculation 2000” Project. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(1), 34-52.

  1. A. Zohar and Y.J. Dori (2003). Higher order thinking skills and low achieving students – Are they mutually exclusive? The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 12(2), 145-182.

  1. Y.J. Dori and M. Hameiri (2003). Multidimensional analysis system for quantitative chemistry problems – Symbol, macro, micro and process aspects. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 40(3), 278-302.

  1. Y.J. Dori, R.T. Tal, and M. Tsaushu (2003). Teaching biotechnology through case studies – Can we improve higher order thinking skills of non-science majors? Science Education, 87(6), 767-793.

  1. Y.J. Dori, M. Barak, and N. Adir (2003). A Web-based chemistry course as a means to foster freshmen learning. Journal of Chemical Education, 80(9), 1084-1092.

  1. Y.J. Dori, J.W. Belcher, M. Bessette, M. Danziger, A. McKinney, and E. Hult (2003). Technology for active learning. Materials Today, 6(12), 44-49.

  1. Y.J. Dori, I. Sasson, Z. Kaberman, and O. Herscovitz (2004). Integrating case-based computerized laboratories into high school chemistry. The Chemical Educator, 9, 1-5.

  1. A. Lubezky, Y.J. Dori, and U. Zoller (2004). HOCS-promoting assessment of students' performance on environmental-related undergraduate chemistry. Chemistry Education: Research and Practice in Europe, 5(2), 175-184. http://www.uoi.gr/cerp/2004_May/pdf/08Zoller.pdf

  1. Y.J. Dori and J.W. Belcher (2005). How does technology-enabled active learning affect students’ understanding of scientific concepts? The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 14(2), 243-279.

  1. M. Barak and Y.J. Dori (2005). Enhancing undergraduate students' chemistry understanding through project-based learning in an IT environment. Science Education, 89(1), 117-139.

  1. Y.J. Dori and O. Herscovitz (2005). Case-based long-term professional development of science teachers. International Journal of Science Education, 27(12), 1413-1446.

  1. M. Birenbaum, K. Breuer; E. Cascallar, F. Dochy, Y.J. Dori, J. Ridgway, and R. Wiesemes (2006). A learning integrated assessment system. In: EARLI Series of Position Papers. R. Wiesemes, G. Nickmans A. (Eds.). Educational Research Review, 1(1), 61-67.

  1. Y.J. Dori, E. Hult, L. Breslow and J.W. Belcher (2007). How much have they retained?

    Making unseen concepts seen in a freshman electromagnetism course at MIT. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(4), 299-323.

  1. Y.J. Dori (2007). Educational reform at MIT: Advancing and evaluating technology-based projects on- and off-campus. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 16(4), 279-281.

  1. Y.J. Dori and I. Sasson (2008). Chemical understanding and graphing skills in an honors case-based computerized chemistry laboratory environment: The value of bidirectional visual and textual representations. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 45(2), 219-250.

  1. Y.J. Dori (2008). Reusable and Sustainable Science and Engineering Education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 17(2), 121-123.

  1. Z. Kaberman and Y.J. Dori (2009). Question posing, inquiry, and modeling skills of high school chemistry students in the case-based computerized laboratory environment. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 7, 597-625.

  1. Z. Kaberman and Y.J. Dori (2009). Metacognition in chemical education: Question posing in the case-based computerized learning environment. Instructional Science, 37(5), 403-436.

  1. R. Levine-Peled, Y. Kali, and Y. J. Dori (2009). The role of design-principles in designing courses that promote collaborative learning in higher-education. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(5), 1067-1078.

  1. M. Barak, Z. Kaberman, O. Herscovitz, and Y.J. Dori (2009). MOSAICA: A Web-2.0 based system for the preservation and presentation of cultural heritage. Computers & Education, 53(3), 841-852.

  1. M. Barak and Y.J. Dori (2009). Enhancing higher order thinking skills among in-service science teachers via embedded assessment. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 20, 459-474.

  1. N. Barnea, Y.J. Dori and A. Hofstein (2010). Development and implementation of inquiry-based and computerized-based laboratories: Reforming high school chemistry in Israel. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 11, 218–228.

  1. Y.J. Dori and A. Silva (2010). Assessing international product design & development graduate courses: The MIT-Portugal program. Advances in Engineering Education, 2(2), 1-30. http://advances.asee.org/vol02/issue02/papers/aee-vol02-issue02-p07.pdf

  1. R. Mitchell, Y.J. Dori, and N.H. Kuldell (2011). Experiential engineering through iGEM – an undergraduate summer competition in synthetic biology. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(2), 156-160.

  1. M. Barak, T. Ashkar and Y.J. Dori (2011). Learning science via animated movies: Its effect on students' thinking and motivation. Computers & Education, 56(3), 839-846.

  1. Y. Peled, Y. Kali and Y.J. Dori (2011). School principals' influence on science teachers' technology implementation: A retrospective analysis. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 14(2), 229-245.

  1. M. Barak and Y.J. Dori (2011). Science education in primary schools: Is an animation worth a thousand pictures? Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20, 608–620.

  1. S. Avargil, O. Herscovitz and Y.J. Dori (2011). Teaching thinking skills in context-based learning: Teachers' challenges and assessment knowledge. Journal of Science Education and Technology. Online first DOI 10.1007/s10956-011-9302-7.

  1. Y.J. Dori and Z. Kaberman (2012). Assessing high school chemistry students' modeling sub-skills in a computerized molecular modeling learning environment. Instructional Science, 40, 69-91. 


  1. Y.J. Dori, S. Avargil and O. Herscovitz. From small- to large-scale intervention in chemical education: Towards narrowing the metacognitive gap.

  1. I. Sasson and Y.J. Dori. A three-attribute transfer skills framework: task distance, interdisciplinarity, and skills set.


Papers in Journals (Hebrew)

  1. Y.J. Dori, D. Dori and J.M. Yochim (1993). Characteristics of an intelligent computer assisted instruction shell. Halacha Lemaashe¬ – From Theory to Practice in Curriculum Development, 8, 90-104.

  1. O. Herscovitz and Y.J. Dori (1996). Cooperative learning – Application of the Jigsaw method while studying acids and bases in chemistry laboratory. Halacha Lemaashe ¬– From Theory to Practice in Curriculum Development, 11, 127-150.

  1. N. Barnea and Y.J. Dori (1997). Integrating computerized molecular modeling into 10th grade chemistry teaching. Studies in Education, 2, 121-147 (with English abstract).

  1. R. T. Tal, Y.J. Dori, and U. Zoller (1999). Assessing the development of system approach of MATAS science teachers and STES curriculum developers – A case study. Halacha Lemaashe¬ – From Theory to Practice in Curriculum Development, 14, 111-129.

  1. O. Herscovitz and Y.J. Dori (2000). System approach in science teaching – Theory, implementation, and evaluation of the solubility topic in science and technology teacher training. Halacha Lemaashe¬ – From Theory to Practice in Curriculum Development, 15, 50-73.

  1. N. Barnea, Z. Kaberman, and Y.J. Dori (2007). From nationwide standardized testing to embedded assessment: Principals', teachers', and students' attitudes toward “Matriculation 2000” Project. Halacha Lemaashe – From Theory to Practice in Curriculum Development, 19, 9-47. 



Edited Book

  1. Zohar and Y.J. Dori (2012). Metacognition in Science Education: Trends in Current Research. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag. 280 pp.

Chapters in Books

  1. Y.J. Dori (2003). A Framework for project-based assessment in science education. In Segers, M., Dochy, F., and Cascallar, E. (Eds.). Optimizing New Modes of Assessment: In Search of Qualities and Standards, pp. 89-118. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

  1. Y.J. Dori and J.W. Belcher (2005). Learning electromagnetism with visualizations and active learning. In J.K. Gilbert (Ed.). Visualization in Science Education, pp. 187-216. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

  1. Y.J. Dori, M. Barak, O. Herscovitz, and M. Carmi (2005). Preparing pre- and in-service teachers to teach high school science with technology. In C. Vrasidas and G.V. Glass (Eds.). Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology, 2nd Volume of the book series: Current Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies, pp. 303-321. Greenwich, CT, USA: Information Age Publishing.

  1. R. Beichner, Y.J. Dori, and J.W. Belcher (2006). New physics teaching and assessment: Laboratory- and technology-enhanced active learning. In J.J. Mintzes and W.H. Leonard (Eds.). Handbook of College Science Teaching: Theory, Research and Practice, pp. 97-106. Arlington, VA, USA: NSTA Press.

  1. I. Sasson and Y.J. Dori (2006). Fostering near and far transfer in the chemistry case-based laboratory environment. In: Clarebout, G. & Elen, J. (Eds.). Avoiding Simplicity, Confronting Complexity: Advance in studying and designing powerful (computer-based) learning environments, 275-286. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.

  1. Y.J. Dori (2006). The inquiry approach in computerized learning environments: Implications on chemistry understanding levels and higher order thinking skills. In A. Zohar (Ed.). Taking the Inquiry Road: Ongoing Challenges, pp. 279-307. Magnes Press, The Hebrew University Publishing Company, Jerusalem, Israel (in Hebrew).

  1. D. Fischer-Shachor, M. Carmi, and Y.J. Dori (2010). Question posing and graphing skills of young gifted students: gender and equal opportunities aspects. In G. Cakmakci & M.F. Taşar (Eds.), Contemporary Science Education Research: Learning and Assessment (pp. 409-414). Ankara, Turkey: Pegem Akademi.

  1. I. Sasson and Y.J. Dori (2012). Transfer skills and their case-based assessment. In B.J. Fraser, K.G. Tobin, and C.J. McRobbie (Eds.). The Second International Handbook of Science Education (pp. 691-710). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.

  1. A. Zohar and Y.J. Dori (2012). Introduction. In A. Zohar and Y.J. Dori (Eds.) Metacognition in Science Education: Trends in Current Research (pp. 1-20). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.

  1. O. Herscovitz, Z. Kaberman, L. Saar, and Y.J. Dori (2012). The relationship between metacognition and the ability to pose questions in chemical education. In A. Zohar and Y.J. Dori (Eds.) Metacognition in Science Education: Trends in Current Research (pp. 165-195). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer-Verlag.

  1. R. Mamlok-Naaman, R. Blonder, and Y.J. Dori (2012). One hundred years of women in chemistry in the 20th century: Sociocultural developments of women’s status. In M.-H. Chiu, P.J. Gilmer, and D.F. Treagust (Eds.) Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Madame Marie Sklodowska Curie’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry (pp. 119-140). Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers. 


Academic Appointments

  1. 2009 – date Dean of Continuing Education and External Studies, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

  1. 2010 – 2011 Visiting Scholar. Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  1. 2008 – 2009 Visiting Professor. Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  1. 2008 – date Full Professor. Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

  1. 2003 – 2007 Research Scholar. Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  1. 2002 – 2008 Associate Professor. Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

  1. 1999 – 2002 Visiting Scholar. Center for Educational Computing Initiatives, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA.

  1. 1995 – 2001 Senior Lecturer (Tenured, 1998). Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

  1. 1991 – 1995 Lecturer. Department of Education in Technology and Science, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

  1. 1988 – 1990 Research Associate. Biological Sciences, University of Kansas, Kansas, USA

11. 1981 – 1987 Lecturer. School of Nursing, Assaf Harofeh Hospital, Zerifin, Israel

מחקריה של פרופ. דורי מתמקדים בלמידה מרחוק, ויזואליזציות מדעיות, מיומנויות חשיבה ברמה גבוהה, מטה-קוגניציה והערכה חינוכית ברמת בית-הספר ואוניברסיטה. מחקריה כוללים פיתוח והטמעה של גישות חינוכיות ותוכניות לימודים והערכת ערכם החינוכי.